AWS SDK for Go

 AWS SDK for Go

What is AWS Sdk for go?

The AWS SDK for Go simplifies use of AWS services by providing a set of libraries that are consistent and familiar for Go developers. It supports higher level abstractions for simplified development, such as Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for seamless concurrent multi-part file uploads and Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValue and Expression utilities for easy integration of your application Go types. Visit GitHub to see AWS-focused open source Go libraries.

Install the AWS SDK for Go V2

The AWS SDK for Go V2 uses Go Modules, which was a feature introduced in Go 1.11. To get started initialize your local project by running the following Go command.

go mod init example

After initializing your Go Module project you will be able to retrieve the SDK, and it’s required dependencies using the go get command. These dependencies will be recorded in the go.mod file which was created by the previous command.

The following commands show how to retrieve the standard set of SDK modules to use in your application.

go get
go get

This will retrieve the core SDK module, and the config module which is used for loading the AWS shared configuration.

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